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The Dos and Don’ts of Promoting Your Online Event

Online Events

Promoting your online event is a key component of ensuring its success. However, it’s important that you handle the promotion process properly. There are some dos and don’ts that you should keep in mind when promoting your online event. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at these dos and don’ts to help ensure that your event is a great success!

  • Create an eye-catching event page – The first step to promoting your online event is creating an eye-catching event page. Your page should be visually appealing and easy to navigate. It should include all the important information about your event, such as the date, time, location (if applicable), what attendees can expect to get out of it, and any other relevant details.
  • Utilize social media – Social media is a powerful tool for promoting events. Use platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to get the word out about your event. Use targeted advertising to reach your desired audience, and interact with users to build hype and anticipation for your event.
  • Create a video trailer – Creating a video trailer is a great way to build hype for your online event. Your trailer should be short and engaging, highlighting what attendees can expect to get out of the event. Share it on social media and include it on your event page to encourage people to sign up.
  • Use email marketing – Email marketing is a great way to keep people informed about your event. Use a professional email marketing platform like Mailchimp or Constant Contact to create custom emails that provide attendees with all the information they need to know about your event.
  • Spam people – The last thing you want to do when promoting your online event is to spam people. Sending too many unsolicited emails, social media messages or excessive promotional content will only turn people off, damaging your reputation in the process.

  • Forget to follow up after the event – After your event is over, don’t forget to follow up with attendees. Send a thank you email, ask for feedback and continue providing value to them.

  • Ignore existing attendees – Make sure you don’t ignore existing attendees while you’re promoting your event. Your loyal attendees will be the ones who help to spread the word about your event and bring in new attendees, so make them feel valued and appreciated.

  • Use low-quality graphics – Make sure all your promotional materials like graphics/photos and branding are consistent, eye-catching and reflect your brand. Use high-quality images and videos and keep a consistent color scheme, using your business’ brand guidelines.
Final Thoughts

Promoting your online event may seem daunting, but by following these dos and don’ts, you can make it a success. Keep your promotional materials professional, engaging, and focused on what your attendees can expect to get out of the event, and keep in mind that relationships, not quick sales, are what truly matters. Good luck!

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