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Benefits and Barriers of AI in Grading and Assessment

AI in grading and assessment

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the assessment and grading process in various ways. AI algorithms are becoming more sophisticated, making it possible for machines to grade exams, essays, and other tests accurately. At the same time, AI technologies have limitations that make it imperative to consider their uses carefully. In this blog post, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of using AI in grading and assessment.

Benefits of AI Grading and Assessment
  • Fast and Accurate: One of the most significant benefits of using AI in grading and assessment is its speed and accuracy. Machines can grade exams and assignments within seconds, depending on their complexity. This saves time for teachers and students, allowing them to focus on other important activities. AI technologies can also assess assignments more accurately than humans. These technologies are programmed with various algorithms that examine assignments, assess their quality, and provide feedback within seconds. This helps to eliminate human errors and biases.

  • Consistent and Objective: AI grading and assessment give objective results because they are not influenced by personal biases, preferences, or emotions. As a result, scores and results derived from AI technologies are consistent and reliable. This provides a fair and transparent assessment process for students, leading to more equity and less suspicion.

  • Provides Feedback and Supports Learning: AI grading and assessment provide timely and constructive feedback to students. Instant feedback helps students to identify their strengths and weaknesses, enabling them to improve their performance. This form of feedback is personalized and supports learning as it is meant to guide the student in the right direction to improve.

  • Scalable and Cost-Effective: AI grading and assessment solutions are scalable and cost-effective. They can grade hundreds of assignments and exams within seconds, making it possible to handle large volumes of work in less time. As schools continue to adopt remote learning, AI-assisted grading and assessment become even more scalable and cost-effective as they can be done from any location.
Barriers of AI Grading and Assessment
  • Lack of Emotional Intelligence – AI technologies lack the emotional intelligence that human graders possess. While they can accurately assess and grade assignments, they cannot understand the emotional and mental states of students. For example, they cannot recognize the difference between a student who is struggling with depression and another who is just lazy. This lack of empathy can limit the effectiveness of AI grading and assessment.

  • Inability to Account for Creativity – AI technologies can be too rigid to account for creativity and innovation that can be incorporated in certain topics such as art, creative writing, and music. Students may lose points on essays that use unique expressions or in art that showcases a completely different concept that the AI is not programmed to consider.

  • Limited Flexibility – AI grading and assessment technologies are constrained by the parameters set in their algorithms. This creates a narrow perspective that cannot account for dynamic factors that affect student assessment. For instance, a student who is struggling to understand a new concept may receive an undeservedly poor score, given that the AI would not be able to identify the root cause of their performance.

  • Dependence on Algorithm Programming – AI grading and assessment depends on the algorithms programmed into them. These algorithms may not capture all the nuances of the subject matter, leading to misleading results. The system also depends on the grading rubrics fed into the AI machines, which may not reflect the full range of student performances that could occur.

AI grading and assessment have revolutionized the assessment process in various ways. These technologies save time, provide instant feedback, and reduce bias and errors, making assessments more fair and transparent. However, they are not without limitations, such as a lack of emotional intelligence and creativity. As a result, schools must look to use AI grading and assessment tools in areas where they will be most beneficial, as well as supplement their use for other areas where human graders offer more value. Ultimately, AI grading and assessment should complement and not replace human grading in education.

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