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The Art and Science of New Sales Mirroring


Sales mirroring is a powerful technique that sales professionals use to build rapport with their clients, increase their trust, and ultimately, close more deals.

The concept of sales mirroring is simple: it involves subtly mimicking your prospect’s behavior, communication style, body language, and tone of voice. This technique creates a sense of familiarity and comfort, which can increase the likelihood of a successful sale.

But this simple concept also involves a delicate balance between art and science. In this blog post, we’ll explore the art and science of sales mirroring, and how to use it effectively in your sales interactions.

The Art of Sales Mirroring

One of the key benefits of sales mirroring is that it allows salespeople to build rapport quickly and easily. When a prospect feels that they are speaking with someone who understands them, they are more likely to trust that person and be willing to listen to their sales pitch.

However, the art of sales mirroring lies in doing it subtly and authentically. If you overdo it, the prospect will likely feel uncomfortable and may even become suspicious of your intentions. Sales mirroring should be done in a way that is natural and unobtrusive.

To achieve this, salespeople must be observant and adaptable. They need to be able to gauge the prospect’s communication style and adjust their own accordingly. For example, if a prospect is very formal and speaks in a measured tone, a salesperson may want to use more formal language and a slower pace of speech.

Salespeople must also be careful not to mimic negative behaviors or mannerisms. For example, if a prospect is fidgeting or displaying nervous behavior, a salesperson should not mirror these behaviors, as it could make the situation worse.

The Science of Sales Mirroring

On the other hand, sales mirroring is also grounded in science. It is based on the principle that humans have a natural tendency to like and trust people who are similar to themselves.

This principle is supported by numerous studies, including one conducted by the University of Cambridge, which found that people were more likely to choose partners with similar facial features as themselves.

In the context of sales, this means that if a salesperson can mirror a prospect’s behavior and communication style, the prospect is more likely to feel comfortable and trusting.

Additionally, sales mirroring can also help to establish a mental link between the salesperson and the prospect. This link can create a sense of shared experience, and make it easier for the prospect to envision themselves using the product or service being sold.


Sales mirroring is a powerful technique that can help sales professionals build relationships, gain trust, and close more deals. However, it is an art as well as a science and must be used judiciously and skillfully.

Salespeople who are able to use sales mirroring in an authentic and subtle way will be better positioned to connect with prospects and ultimately, achieve sales success.

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